miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

“Me alegra que todavía me recuerdes” (“I’m glad you still remember me”)

This is one of those times in which I really want to write in English not because I’m thinking about it as a way of self-protection but just for pleasure and because I’m feeling like it to do so, motivated for no particular reason. However I’m also thinking that this way the essence of the content of this entry wouldn’t be the same… so I guess this is going to be some kind of Spanglish.

As I had announced or mentioned in a previous entrance, I met Frank today. It was a nice talk, we told each other about our lives, and… I don’t know, maybe the fact of not seeing him often or not trusting him (not by choice but circumstances) as I do trust my dear godfather, puts him now, to me, as one more friend, like at the same level of my friends who used to live here and taking out of him that plus for being an adult and/or a Lasallian Brother. I mean is nice, just a casual friendship. Still, he has so much knowledge, experience and valuable advices to give.

I’m glad and happy about him being so fulfilled with what he is doing now; he said it’s been a while since the last time he felt like this. He is in charge of the… (carajo, espérense miro el folletico con la info porque el cargo es re largo y no se me queda, I’m not going to translate it) Vicerrectoría de Promoción y Desarrollo Humano. I remember when he just got the job, he told me about it by msn, he was the one who talked to me and said “hello”, thing he never does. Y bueno me contó hoy que reestructuró completamente la vicerrectoría, que antes era manejada como si solo fuera “bienestar universitario” y ps que la dependencia daba para mucho más; que cambió muchas cosas y en general fueron cambios bien recibidos porque eran cosas que se veían venir, era la única parte institucional que faltaba por ser modificada y que también cambió la forma de dar las inducciones a los primíparos, cosa que no le gustó mucho a algunos estudiantes que apoyaban en esta parte así que se fueron pero igual llegaron otros nuevos. He also changed the way the office was arranged and its decoration (paintings and that stuff)… puso además un reloj muy teso y loco que anda al revés y de igual forma los números están al revés (el 3 donde normalmente va el 9 y así sucesivamente), dijo que se había conseguido el mecanismo (el bicho para que ande así) y lo montó… :P él siempre tan creativo. I said you could use a mirror to look at it the way is supposed to; he laughed and said it was a good idea.

It was me the one who talked first about my life updates, university and all related to it… so I think that after he told me about his, he asked/said: “Bueno Carito y tú qué? Cómo van tus cosas?” I knew he was asking for personal stuff… So I started… told him briefly about my thoughts related to my feelings for that hard experience of my life this time I'll not mention, my choice of having gone back to my former psychologist who remitted me to a different one and that that's it for now. He said doing that is good and useful but you will always have those kind of feelings for those kind of experiences… diminished or not but there. He said he has a couple of hard bad experiences of his own that when he remembers them he still feels anger… You know what I like of him? The way he talks, the tone of his voice, the pauses he makes, choosing carefully the words… things now aren't bad or in any way compared to school when I felt him closer, you know I'm stronger now and he has a different position, so though I like this, still is not the same, I’m not looking for anything so in that way, his sight and the way he talks changed a little bit, he is not trying to give me some guidance or answers as he probably did when I was in school. There was a moment in which we both were speechless… then I told him in the most superficial way so that didn't sound like blaming him, about the talk I had with Cata on Skype, about trusting people, about me realizing of the choices I unconsciously made which led me to a solitary lifestyle at university. I said it before telling him and he confirmed it to me after I finished: “You went to the other extreme, now you have to find balance, it will come itself with time”.

That was it all, mostly… he said he follows (ok, reads) me on Facebook sometimes, he told me the last thing he remembered he saw of what I've published, though I had no idea what he was talking about, he said it was like an image or something done in Power Point talking about my personal stuff… then he add: “Me alegra que todavía me recuerdes” = “I'm glad you still remember me” algo ante lo cual simplemente sonreí… cómo no voy a recordate apreciado amigo y maestro de la vida? I did, I've done and I will forever. I'm glad we were able to see each other today.J

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